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4 Things To Know About Adding A Keypad To An Existing Garage Door

Advanced Door Ogden UT Garage Door

4 Things To Know About Adding A Keypad To An Existing Garage Door

If you’ve ever had to access your garage or had multiple family members trying to get in, you know it can be quite a process. However, thanks to the latest technological advancements, entering a garage has become significantly easier and more streamlined. In this article, we’ll address some of the most common questions we receive about garage door openers, particularly keypads. Keep reading if you’re interested in learning more about this cutting-edge advancement in garage door technology.

What is a keypad garage door opener?

A keypad garage door opener is a device installed outside your garage door. With this device, you select a series of numbers to serve as a “key” for opening your garage door. Once you enter this code, your door will open. The device acts as a lock, ensuring your garage door remains securely closed at all times. This means that keypad garage door openers offer enhanced security compared to other types of openers. Installing a keypad is also a straightforward process, as we’ll detail later in this article.

Advanced Door Ogden UT Garage Door

What are the benefits of keypad garage door openers?

There are several benefits to using a keypad garage door opener. Firstly, instead of carrying around multiple keys or creating duplicates for each family member, you only need one set of “keys.” The unique code you choose serves as the key, and each person in your household simply needs to remember it. This saves you money on making duplicate keys and time spent searching for lost keys.

Additionally, with a garage door keypad, the risk of getting locked out is minimized. You either memorize the code or keep it written down in a safe place. Unlike a physical key, you don’t need to carry it everywhere, and you won’t have to worry about misplacing it. Furthermore, the “key” will never truly be “lost.”

Having a garage door keypad adds value to your home, as it showcases your integration of the latest technology. Staying up-to-date with advancements demonstrates your care for your home and knowledge of current trends. Moreover, keypads are designed to last a long time, typically between 10-15 years, which translates to significant savings over time.

Can I install it myself?

Yes, you can install the keypad yourself. The instructions for installing the garage door opener will be included with the unit when you purchase it. For more detailed information on the installation process, feel free to contact us.

Garage Door Opener Ogden UT

Should I have a professional install it?

You have the option to either install it yourself, as mentioned earlier, or you can have a professional come to your home and handle the installation. Both options are available, and the choice ultimately depends on what matters most to you. If convenience and accuracy are your top priorities, then having a professional install the keypad for you might be the best choice.

Advanced Door Can Keep You Updated

If you’re in the state of Utah and want to explore your options for a garage door keypad, we at Advanced Door are here to assist you. With our professional and experienced help, you can learn about:

  • The latest trends in garage doors
  • The different garage door accessories that are available to you
  • What would would work best for you and your home 

Contact us at 888-377-3667 or by using this form

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