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3 Causes Of Damaged Garage Door Panels

damaged garage door panels

3 Causes Of Damaged Garage Door Panels

Your garage door is an essential part of your home. It’s likely the biggest entryway into your house and plays a huge role in its overall curb appeal. Your garage door is also very heavy, which can be dangerous if it needs repairs. Unfortunately, there are many things that can cause damaged garage door panels, impacting your garage door’s overall performance and appearance. 

Once you better understand the various common causes of damaged garage door panels, you’ll likely be better equipped to protect your garage and know what to do in order to keep it in good condition for as long as possible.

Here are some of the common causes of damaged garage door panels that you may run into.

#1. Wear And Tear

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Among the most common causes of damaged garage door panels is simple wear and tear. You can’t avoid wear and tear; you use your garage door every day. Plus, with how your garage door panels are constantly exposed to the elements, this can cause all sorts of wear to them, too.

While the only way to prevent wear and tear damage is to simply not use your garage and somehow shield it from the elements, which would be an immense waste, you can keep your garage in good condition and keep some of the wear and tear at bay by scheduling routine maintenance. If you don’t maintain your garage door, it will wear down much faster than if you regularly have it maintained. You generally want to have garage door maintenance done at least once a year.

#2. Impact

Another frequent cause of damaged garage door panels is impact. This can be from all manner of causes. Some people can accidentally back into their garage door by not checking to see if it’s all the way up before trying to back out of the garage, which can damage your garage door. Damaged garage door panels also result from sports balls hitting them and causing denting or caving in. 

While auto accidents and sports balls are among the most common causes of impact damage to your garage door, the weather contributes too. Hail can dent your door if it comes down hard enough, as can fallen trees.

#3. Weather

never leave your garage door open

We touched on how the fact that your garage door is constantly exposed to the elements can cause damaged garage door panels, as a result of wear and tear. We also mentioned how hail can cause impact damage. The weather can damage your garage door in so many different ways. For instance, high winds can carry debris that damages your garage door. UV rays can weaken your garage door panels over time. Rain and snow can beat against the panels, and the buildup of minerals and debris can erode your garage door.

There are countless ways in which the weather can lead to damaged garage doors. Keeping your garage door properly maintained helps it stand a better chance against the weather so that it lasts for as long as possible.

What To Do If You Have Damaged Garage Door Panels

These are some of the common causes of damaged garage door panels. If you have damaged garage door panels, you may wonder whether you can simply repair them or if you need to replace them. You may also be wondering whether you will need to replace the garage door as a whole or if you can just replace the damaged garage door panel.

The truth is that whether you repair or replace your damaged garage door panels or your garage door as a whole depends on the type and extent of the damage done. In some cases, the garage door panels can be repaired. In others, you can indeed replace just the damaged garage door panel. In others still, such as when multiple panels are damaged, you may need to replace the entire garage door.

damaged garage door panels

It’s best to consult with a garage door specialist in order to determine the best course of action for your damaged garage door panels. A professional will know what options are available for your specific circumstances and ensure that they take care of your damaged garage door panels properly.

Do You Have Damaged Garage Door Panels?

Advanced Door provides high-quality garage door services. We can repair or replace your garage door, as well as provide annual maintenance in order to keep it in good condition for as long as possible. To schedule a repair service, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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